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    Sugarcane field in Mauritius 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    The mystique of Mauritian rum and a tasty cocktail to match

    Picture an idyllic paradise surrounded by azure waters and lined with powder-sand beaches – this is the magic of Mauritius. But beyond its picturesque landscapes, Mauritius boasts a rum-soaked history as intoxicating as the spirit itself.

    Sugar, sugar

    Rum originates from the sweet embrace of sugar cane – either from its fresh juice or the molasses derived from refining it. The Caribbean and Latin American nations have long been celebrated for their rums, with the Caribbean holding the majority card in rum production. Mauritius offers a taste of the unexpected: This tropical island isn't just about sun, sand and sea; it's about sugar cane. If the Caribbean is the majority card, this lush island is the wild one – producing both “Rhum Agricole” from fresh-cut sugar cane and the “traditional rum” from molasses.

    A little fruity


    Mauritian rums come with an exciting twist. While traditional rum flavors are often rich and heady, the Mauritian versions surprise with infusions from the island's native fruits and spices. Imagine a rum tinged with the sweetness of Queen Victoria pineapples or the subtle scent of vanilla beans. Or a concoction infused with aromatic coffee, zingy ginger or tropical coconut. This is the spirit Mauritius brings. These rums aren't just a treat to the palate but are a testament to the island's rich cultural tapestry.

    Connoisseur cred

    모리셔스 럼

    Today, the island proudly parades over 35 distinguished rums and related products, many of which have swayed critics and enthusiasts at international tasting events and exhibitions. It's not just the island's residents who indulge in these liquid treasures; Mauritian rums grace the shelves of connoisseurs in over 20 countries, spanning Europe and beyond.

    Cocktailing it

    Caipirinha Passion with Basil

    Ready to sample this Mauritian magic yourself?

    Here's a cocktail that encapsulates the island's essence: the Caipirinha Passion with Basil.


    • 4 cl Chamarel White Rum
    • 2 cl Fresh Passionfruit
    • Half a Fresh Lime
    • 3 to 4 Fresh Basil Leaves
    • 1 teaspoon Raw Sugar
    • Ice cubes

    Place the lime, basil, raw sugar, and fresh passionfruit into a short glass. Muddle these ingredients together until well-mixed and the sugar dissolves. Pour in the Chamarel White Rum, add ice and give it a good stir.

    This cocktail is more than just a drink; it's a symphony of flavors that paints a vivid picture of Mauritius. Venture to this gorgeous rum-soaked island yourself; book a stay now!

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