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    2022 New Year's Resolutions - Travel 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    2022년을 최고의 해로 만들 8가지 새해 여행!

    Looking forward to becoming a new you in the new year? One of the best ways to change our hearts, minds and perspectives is travel! That's why 2022 needs to be the year of New Year's travel resolutions.

    It can be easy to forget to take a break when we're not intentional about prioritizing a sense of adventure in our lives. That's why writing down a list of travel resolutions that you'll actually stick to is important. Need some inspo? Here are our favorite New Year's travel resolutions for 2022.

    #1 Do a Volunteer Vacation

    Connect with people, places and culture in a meaningful way by booking a philanthropic trip that puts you in the right place to help others. Take inspiration from Ethan Estess if you want to see how merging travel and volunteerism can change your life [LINK]. The artist who is known for creating sustainable art began his art career by volunteering for beach cleanup while on vacation in Hawaii. Or try the Malama Hawaii Experience, an Eco Adventure Voluntourism adventure that takes place at the Kualoa Ranch Private Nature Reserve on Oahu. Guests who take part in the tour and stay two nights at any Outrigger Waikiki Resort are eligible to get the third night for free!

    2022 New Year's Resolutions - Travel

    #2 Make a Plan to Curate Your Travel Experiences

    Make a promise to yourself that you'll be scrolling through 12 months of amazing travel photos on your Instagram page this time next year! Posting your travels on Instagram is the best way to sprinkle in a little visual accountability for sticking to your 2022 travel resolution. Check out top tips for creating follow-worthy Instagram snaps from influencer Emma Wo (@thealohababe).

    #3 Try Three New Foods for the First Time

     Make a resolution that you will try at least three new foods from other cultures that you've never tried before by the end of 2022!  Looking for some ideas? One new food that we think everyone should try is the famous Duke's Hula pie—with a chocolate cookie crust that's stacked high with macadamia nut ice cream, this is the dessert that dreams are made of! Or, stop by one of the Sunrise Shack locations for an authentic Hawaiian smoothie bowl.

    #4 Reconnect With Someone You Care About During a Trip

    2022 is the year for reconnection. Make a resolution to invite one close friend or family member on a trip. This will allow you to reconnect by making new memories in an incredible place. Gather the family and spend a couple of days exploring Hawaii's spectacular beaches. Or grab your significant other and explore Fiji's lush rainforest for a little romance-meets-adventure.

    #5 Use a Mode of Transportation You've Never Tried Before

    This is a fun one! Commit to using one mode of transportation in 2022 that you've never used before. This can be easy if you're used to traveling by car or plane. Once you arrive at your destination, try to explore without using a car. Make it a point to try out fun modes of transport like helicopters, gondolas, hot-air balloons, ski lifts, dog sleds, toboggans, suspension railways, cable cars and funiculars.

    #6 Learn at Least 10 New Words From Every City, State, County or Region You Visit

    Challenge yourself to come home with at least ten new words or phrases from every place you visit. This will encourage you to be more present and attentive when soaking in the culture! "One of our faves? Aloha!

    #7 Travel With Purpose

    Make 2022 the year that you reduce your carbon footprint when traveling. Wondering how you can do your part to ensure that future generations enjoy nature's wonders? Check out Outrigger's Zone for the initiatives that we support and learn how you can travel in a way that positively impacts the environment.

    2022 New Year's Resolutions - Travel

    #8 View all 52 Weekends of 2022 as Travel Opportunities

    This one is all about adopting a wanderer's mindset! Consider each weekend a 48-hour opportunity to completely get outside your familiar world. "Not having time" is the top excuse that keeps people from answering the call to travel. Changing the way you view (extended) weekend travel makes it easy to check more destinations off your bucket list without using up vacation time so quickly.

    See More New Places in the New Year

    There's no doubt that travel changes us—and a year of resolving to travel more might inspire you to change the world! Make 2022 the year you become someone new by seeing new places. Ready to explore someplace new? Book your future Hawaiian getaway now and save up to 35 percent.


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