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아직 여행을 망설이시나요? 멤버 전용 혜택과 특별 대우가 제공되는 로열티 프로그램을 무료로 가입해서 이용하는 건 어떠세요?

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    아웃리거의 디스커버리 로열티 프로그램을 선택할 수 밖에 없는 5가지 이유

    We love our guests! The OUTRIGGER DISCOVERY Loyalty Program is the perfect way to get even more out of your stay (and play).

    Here are five reasons to love our loyalty rewards program and its around-the-world offers—aloha, bula and sawadee included!

    1. Start earning now with rewards on Day One

    The moment you sign up, you'll start unlocking rewards—even without a stay. That means our Experiences, DISCOVERY Dollars (D$), and Live Local offers are available to you instantly at all membership levels.

    2. Get rewarded with DISCOVERY Dollars

    More DISCOVERY Dollars (D$) money equals more fun. 

    With our new enhanced program, you'll get to earn D$ on everything from stays to dining, when you visit one of our hotels. You can then use your D$ toward your stay, room upgrades, late check-out, dining and a range of more indulgences along the way. And one D$ equals one USD, so it's easy to keep track of your balance—and our all-new app and website make it even easier to keep tabs.

    3. Play your way with curated DISCOVERY Experiences

    From hidden gems to off-the-beaten-path adventures, we'll help you curate your own handpicked itinerary. Use your D$ (or other payment type) to purchase and access authentic cultural activities in every destination, including Adventure, Culture, Events, Nature, and Tours & Classes.

    4. Indulge like a local with "Local Offers"

    Enjoy member access to the best our resorts and hotels have to offer, with or without a stay. Find incredible offers on dining, spa, pool & beach and golf & sports amenities from OUTRIGGER Resorts & Hotels or our partner hotels in your area now.

    This means you get to indulge in perks like fine dining, treating yourself to a relaxing spa day or checking out the pool and fitness center, even when you're not staying overnight. 

    5. Stay and save around the world

    Each of our participating resorts and hotels has unique offers for every type of traveler—from early bird specials to bed-and-breakfast packages to spa-inclusive decadence. You can also access perks like room upgrades or romantic add-ons. Even better? Your DISCOVERY rewards extend to OUTRIGGER hotels in several locations across a handful of countries and a sister collection of over 800 independent hotels, resorts, and palaces across 100+ countries, each reflecting the culture and traditions of its location for the perfect getaways, your way.

    Discover more OUTRIGGER DISCOVERY loyalty fun and book your stay now.

    다음 모험은 생각보다 가까이에 있습니다
    최대 25% 할인 제공

    잊지 못할 추억. 진심을 담은 호스피텔리티.
    아웃리거 웨이

    처음 방문하시든 몇 번을 다시 방문하시든, 언제나 잊지 못할 추억과 최고의 서비스를 선사해 드립니다.

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