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    피지 캐스트어웨이 아일랜드, 최신 워터파크 개장

    Ah, Fiji. The crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches and vibrant coral reefs. Castaway Island, Fiji is already a paradise for those seeking relaxation and adventure. Now, there's a new attraction making a big splash on this stunning island.

    Making a splash

    Castaway Island, Fiji – a 174-acre private island resort surrounded by lush rainforests, white sandy shores and coral reefs – is adding to the fun (and adventure!) with a new waterpark.

    “We have always valued the loyalty of our high returnee rate, and we wanted to offer new and exciting activities that cater to both the young and the young at heart,” says Ben Johnson, the resort’s General Manager. 

    The waterpark includes three cool features that make it fun for the whole family:

    • 8-meter slide: The slide is perfect for guests of all ages, offering a gentler dip into the warm Pacific Ocean. 
    • Over-ocean swing: Suspended over the water, the swing adds a thrilling dimension to the park. 
    • Action trampoline: The trampoline is not just for bouncing; guests first navigate the “X Marks the Spot” obstacle before they can jump, making it fun and

    Respect for the land and culture

    What makes the waterpark even more special is its connection to the local Fijian culture and environment. 

    “We sought approval from the local chief and community to ensure the project respected local traditions,” Ben shares. “We even held a traditional Fijian ceremony during the opening to express our gratitude and respect for the land and its people.”

    The waterpark’s specific location, just off the house reef, was also chosen with the environment in mind to minimize its impact on the delicate marine ecosystem. 

    “We took great care in ensuring our anchors and construction methods did not damage the coral reefs, preserving the island’s natural beauty and marine life for future generations,” says Ben.

    온 가족이 나누는 즐거움

    The new waterpark is designed for guests aged eight and up, making OUTRIGGER Castaway Island, Fiji, a perfect destination for a little adventure and a lot of seaside relaxation. But the fun doesn’t stop at the waterpark — it's a highlight of an already action-packed itinerary. 

    Check out traditional Meke performanceswhere local dancers bring Fijian history and storytelling to life. Get creative with Castaway Kids Club activities or coral planting, an eco-friendly activity that supports the reef’s conservation efforts. See the original Castaway on a boat trip to the remote Modriki Island, the filming location for the movie Castaway. And make sure the adults have fun with wine tastings that sample local flavors and international selections. 

    Book your pure-beautiful stay today and discover the new waterpark (and all the other fun Fijian activities) for yourself!

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