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    시밀란 제도가 자랑하는 액티비티 5가지

    The Similan Islands, an archipelago of 11 islands in the Andaman Sea, make up Mu Ko Similan National Park. A scenic boat ride to visit some of these islands makes for a perfect day trip from the Outrigger Khao Lak Beach Resort. You'll find white sand beaches, crystal-clear water, striking granite rock formations and plenty of nature-inspired activities. Here are five of the best things to do on a daytime excursion.

    1. Explore the marine life

    Sea turtle

    The archipelago is one of the best places in the world to scuba dive. Because the water is so clear in the Similan Islands, snorkeling and diving are the primary activities you'll encounter here. There are many diving spots throughout the 11 islands, where you'll find rich marine life, including beautiful coral reefs. You might even be lucky enough to spot turtles, parrotfish, whale sharks and manta rays.

    2. Observe animals on shore


    If encountering wildlife underwater isn't for you, no worries; there are plenty of fascinating creatures you can see while you explore the island on foot. Think monkeys, dusky langurs, lizards, squirrels, bats and exotic birds. 

    3. Take a hike

    Similan Islands hiking

    Wander some of the hiking trails on the Similan Islands, many of which wind through lush, dense forests. Just don't forget to bring insect repellent and plenty of water! A great trail to explore leads from Nguang Chang Bay to Horseshoe Bay (on Island 8) and will bring you to an abandoned Thai Navy lighthouse. It's a great photo op!

    4. Bask on the beach

    Similan Islands beach

    If you want to lounge on the beach and soak in the beauty of your surroundings, we recommend posting up in Donald Duck Bay on Island 8. You'll find a long beach perfect for strolling on and shallow waters that are great for wading. Ask our concierge to set you up with a picnic lunch so you can enjoy a meal in paradise. 

    5. Visit Sailing Boat Rock

    Sailing Rock

    If you plan to spend the day in Donald Duck Bay, hike up the landmark Sailing Boat Rock. Make it to the top, and you'll be rewarded with panoramic views. 

    아웃리거 카오락 비치 리조트

    Ready to experience the natural beauty of Thailand? Book your stay at the Outrigger Khao Lak Beach Resort today.

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