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    Travel ideas for Couples 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    완벽하고 로맨틱한 휴가를 계획하기 위한 5가지 팁

    When it comes to romance, getting out of day-to-day routines and getting out of town is an essential for happy couples. Travel not only adds adventure, it also strengthens your bond and adds a lifetime of those “remember-whens” that continue the fun long after you’re back at home. And what better time to hit the road together than this long-awaited Fall season! We’re excited to share a few favorite tips for planning the perfect romantic getaway for you and your ku`uipo.


    1. Get Cultural

    Getting into the local culture can create a sense of immersion that will add a layer of discovery to your trip. Spots like Outrigger Reef Waikiki have a host of activities as vibrant as the Aloha State itself that let you not only take in the culture but participate in it. Or embrace Malama ka Aina, or "care for the land," through an only-in-Hawaii volunteer eco-tour at the stunning Kualoa Ranch (for a third night’s stay at a cool resort for free!).

    2. Add in Some Adventure

    Pepper in some more adventurous excursions alongside relaxing on Insta-worthy, powder-sand beaches (we love that, too!). In places like Waikiki, it’s easy to explore the sights without a car, making for two-wheeled, wind-in-your-hair fun. And there’s nothing more romantic than exploring hidden waterfalls and freshwater swimming pools—or more exhilarating than trekking to the top of the 350-acre Diamond Head volcano crater for exquisite views then hitting perfect-for-beginner waves on Waikiki Beach.

    Travel ideas for Couples

    3. Go Beyond the Champs and Strawberries

    It’s been said that the stomach is a way to a man’s heart. We think it’s the way to better romance all around. Heading out to top local restaurants to sample new cuisines inherently spices things up. Up for a little day drinking? Try your own tequila tasting tour or get fruity with the Lei’d Lychee cocktail paired with scratch-kitchen dishes at Maui Brewing Co. For nightly cocktailing, check out the locals-love favorite: live local music under the stars over Mai Tais and Loco Moco.

    4. Disconnect

    It’s essential to unplug to recharge, and that’s even more the case when it comes to a couple’s getaway. Find a way to put all work and back-at-home distractions on pause and focus on staying present. 

    Travel ideas for Couples

    5. Renew Your Vows

    Reinforcing your bond a little more formally makes for the ultimate romantic getaway. Even better? Doing it in local style. In Hawaii, Outrigger Resort’s vow renewal ceremony is back—with the beach in the background and the honi honi, traditional Hawaiian breath of life—make it feel (almost) as magical as the first time.

    We can’t wait to see you in romance-filled paradise, soon!


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