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    현대미술의 테라스2024 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    서핑, 예술 및 환경 활동: TOMA x 세계 해양의 날 솔로 아트 쇼

    On June 15, the OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel proudly hosted the TOMA x World Ocean Day Solo Art Show and Fundraiser for Wastewater Alternatives and Innovations (WAI). This vibrant event featured captivating surf photography by the talented Giancarlo Beroldo, also known as Gsea, and live performances by the dynamic TwinFin and Connor Johnson.

    About Wastewater Alternatives and Innovations (WAI)

    Wastewater Alternatives and Innovations (WAI) is dedicated to protecting water quality, reducing sewage pollution, and restoring healthy watersheds. Their mission revolves around providing innovative, affordable, and eco-friendly solutions to waste and wastewater management for all people.

    WAI’s Vision is to assist Hawai'i homeowners and communities in managing the complex process of upgrading cesspools and failing septic systems to new, affordable, efficient, and environmentally friendly systems.

    The Five Pillars of WAI

    1. Innovative Technology: WAI is at the forefront of introducing cutting-edge sanitation technology to Hawai'i. In collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, they organized the Innovations in Sanitation Convening in October 2019, bringing the Reinvented Toilet technology to over 60 key stakeholders. Future convenings aim to introduce more innovative solutions, research, and best practices.
    2. Financial Resources: WAI is actively seeking funding to support homeowners in converting their outdated cesspools and septic systems. Partnering with the EPA, Hawai'i Dept. of Health, USDA’s Rural Development Office, and private foundations, WAI focuses on assisting low- and moderate-income households in areas where sewage pollution poses significant risks to water quality.
    3. Policy & Advocacy: Working alongside various groups, WAI strives to pass legislation and update policies to address Hawai'i’s sewage pollution crisis. Current legislative efforts include creating pilot projects for new sanitation technology, providing funding for homeowners, requiring inspections of wastewater systems during property transfers, and establishing an online database for Individual Wastewater Systems (IWS).
    4. Community Outreach & Education: WAI is deeply committed to engaging with homeowners and community groups to raise awareness about the environmental and health risks of cesspools and sewage pollution. Through community talks, public presentations, workshops, and convenings, WAI educates the public on wastewater pollution and the benefits of converting to better systems.
    5. Pilot Projects: Collaboration is key for WAI. By partnering with community groups, wastewater companies, government agencies, researchers, and contractors, they design and implement pilot projects that serve as models for the rest of the state. These projects aim to establish efficient, affordable, and practical sanitation solutions.

    The Origins of WAI

    Founded by Stuart Coleman and John Anner in 2019, WAI emerged from a shared passion for protecting the marine environment. Both avid water enthusiasts, Stuart and John recognized the deteriorating water quality caused by sewage pollution from cesspools and failing septic systems. Their combined efforts have since driven significant progress in addressing Hawai'i’s wastewater issues.

    Join us in supporting the mission of Wastewater Alternatives and Innovations (WAI). Discover more about their impactful work and how you can make a difference by visiting the OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel. Let’s work together to protect our oceans and ensure a cleaner, healthier future for Hawai'i.

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