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    해양 쓰레기에서 걸작까지: 미드웨이 몽크 바다표범 전시회

    On World Ocean Day, OUTRIGGER Reef Waikiki Beach Resort proudly unveiled “Speaking for Nature,” an extraordinary environmental art exhibit by renowned sustainable artist Jodi Endicott. This captivating display features life-size monk seals meticulously crafted from marine plastics collected from Midway Atoll, transforming everyday items into powerful statements on marine conservation.

    Jodi Endicott

    The Art of Sustainability

    Jodi Endicott, an established contemporary artist with over 30 years of experience in Hawai‘i, created these remarkable sculptures using discarded materials such as a plastic bicycle seat, gas cap, rice paddles, sunglasses, welding helmet, and other recognizable pieces. These materials, which once floated aimlessly in the ocean, have been transformed into a poignant reminder of the impact of human behavior on our marine environments.

    “Given we want to do something great for FestPAC, Luana Maitland (Area Director of Cultural Experience) and I discussed how we could install four or five new mixed-media Monk Seals that combine derelict fishing nets and marine debris plastics from Papahanaumokuakea,” explained Endicott. “This is very fitting for the cultural exchange as these invasive materials are a sustainability issue to all ocean cultures and ocean voyagers. The far-away plastics floated the ocean for years and are now embedded in our marine life and food chain. Such plastics show the impact of our everyday behaviors on our global environment.”

    Collaborating for Change

    The unveiling event was graced by Jennifer Lynch and Katherine Stevens from Hawai‘i Pacific University’s Center for Marine Debris Research (CMDR), alongside Kevin O‘Brien and James Morioka from the Papahānaumokuākea Marine Debris Project. Their presence underscored the collaborative effort required to tackle the pressing issue of marine debris and its detrimental effects on our oceans.

    In addition to the Midway Monk Seal exhibit, another exhibit titled “Nest” is on display at OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beach. This exhibit, featuring netting, fishing floats, a world globe, and float, will be free to the public through the end of July in recognition of Plastic Free July. These exhibits aim to inspire visitors to rethink their relationship with plastics and take action towards a more sustainable future.

    Cultural Exchange at A'o Cultural Center

    In conjunction with the art exhibit, the O Ke Kai Series with Friends of Hokulea and Hawai’i Loa organized a cultural exchange on June 15. The event featured a youth group from Aotearoa, New Zealand, as part of the 13th annual Festival of the Pacific Arts (FestPAC). Held at the A’o Cultural Center at OUTRIGGER Reef Waikiki Beach Resort, the exchange included a hands-on workshop with canoe building and wood master Tay Perry. Participants also learned about navigating with a compass from Hokule’a 2014 canoe captain Keahi Omai and enjoyed a talk story session with Bishop Museum's Exhibit Designer & Hokule’a 2023 crew member Mike Wilson.

    HPU at Ao Cultural Center

    Artist Leohone Muzno presented wa`a prints for a raffle, with proceeds benefiting the Friends of Hokulea and Hawai’i Loa (FHH). The event was enriched with fun activities for kids and live Hawaiian music by Kawika Kahiapo, making it a memorable day of cultural exchange and learning.

    Join Us in Celebrating Sustainability

    We invite you to explore the Midway Monk Seal Sustainable Art Exhibit and participate in the enriching cultural activities at OUTRIGGER Reef Waikiki Beach Resort. Discover how art and culture can inspire a more caring, equitable, and respectful existence on our planet.

    Ready to be inspired? Learn more about our exhibits and cultural programs at OUTRIGGER Reef Waikiki Beach Resort.

    Book your stay today and join us in celebrating the beauty and importance of our oceans and cultures!

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