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    Hoomalu Ke Kai 해변 청소 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    Ho'omalu Ke Kai와 협력하여 카우아이 해변 청소

    At OUTRIGGER Kaua’i Beach Resort & Spa, we believe in the importance of preserving our beautiful oceanfront for future generations. That’s why we’re proud to have partnered with Ho‘omalu Ke Kai, a Kaua‘i-based nonprofit dedicated to ocean conservation and restoration, to host the first-ever Kauaʻi Community Cleanup and Celebration of the Ocean at Nukoliʻi Beach on World Ocean Day.

    Ho‘omalu Ke Kai Beach Cleanup

    A Day of Impact and Celebration

    On this memorable day, more than 100 community members and hotel guests, along with 20 partner organizations, gathered at Nukoliʻi Beach. Together, they participated in the cleanup, demonstrating a shared commitment to protecting our ocean. The event was a resounding success, thanks to the combined efforts of everyone involved.

    Tim Leichliter, President of Ho‘omalu Ke Kai, expressed his heartfelt gratitude, saying, “We want to extend our sincere mahalo nui loa for all of your effort and support during the World Ocean Day event. As our conservation partner, OUTRIGGER played an integral role in making this our most successful event to date. Your dedication and hard work, from the event planning and marketing, to the volunteer efforts, ensured that the day flowed seamlessly.”

    Achieving Remarkable Results

    Through the tireless work of volunteers, including the dedicated housekeeping staff of OUTRIGGER Kaua’i Beach Resort & Spa, over 1,000 pounds of marine debris was removed from Nukoliʻi Beach. This incredible achievement represents a significant victory for ocean conservation and exemplifies the spirit of aloha and mālama in action.

    Leichliter continued, “This accomplishment is a significant win for our ocean, and it was heartwarming to witness the spirit of aloha and mālama in action. Your commitment to our cause and your partnership in conservation efforts mean the world to us. We look forward to continuing this journey together and making an even greater impact in the years to come.”

    Beyond Cleanup: Community Engagement

    In addition to the beach cleanup, attendees had the opportunity to explore vendor booths from ocean, nature, and conservation-based organizations. They enjoyed delicious food provided by on-property restaurants and entertainment from local artists, making the day not only impactful but also enjoyable.

    Ho‘omalu Ke Kai Beach Cleanup

    Furthering our commitment to ocean and coral conservation through the OUTRIGGER Zone conservation initiative, we introduced beach clean-up kits for public use in partnership with Ho‘omalu Ke Kai. The first beach clean-up station was unveiled at this event, alongside a waste diversion station for marine debris. The collected debris was transported to Ho‘omalu Ke Kai’s upcycling facility, where it will be transformed into building material and artwork, a project funded by the County of Kaua‘i.

    Ho‘omalu Ke Kai Beach Cleanup

    Join Us in Our Mission

    The OUTRIGGER Zone conservation initiative is dedicated to providing enriching experiences to our guests, hosts, and local communities while actively protecting our oceans. We are committed to ensuring that our properties play a crucial role in ocean conservation and helping marine ecosystems thrive for generations to come.

    Stay updated on our upcoming beach cleanups and join us in making a difference. Visit OUTRIGGER Kaua’i Beach Resort & Spa to learn more about our conservation efforts and how you can get involved.

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