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    8제6회 아웃리거 존 데이(OUTRIGGER Zone Day)2024 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    진흙에서 마술까지: "겐키 볼"이 와이키키의 알라 와이 운하를 청소하는 방법

    As part of World Ocean Month and A Sustainable Summer, OUTRIGGER was proud to partner with the Genki Ala Wai Project to aid in its efforts to clean Waikiki’s famous Ala Wai Canal at the 8th Annual OUTRIGGER Zone Day at the Waikiki Aquarium.

    Making Genki Balls

    Building on the momentum from last year's record-setting creation of 5,000 “Genki Balls,” this year's event saw an even greater level of enthusiasm and participation as attendees of all ages joined in the fun. Relay teams comprised of hosts from each of OUTRIGGER’s Waikiki resorts and hotels, as well as Company Services teams competed to see who could make “Genki Balls” the fastest.

    What are “Genki Balls?

    “Genki Balls,” also known as mud balls, are a simple yet powerful tool in environmental restoration. Each “Genki Ball” contains a mixture of mud and Effective Microorganisms® (EM®). These microorganisms, a blend of beneficial bacteria and yeast, work together to break down sludge, which consists of mud, organic debris, trash, and pollutants. When tossed into polluted water bodies like the Ala Wai Canal, the “Genki Balls” sink to the bottom and begin digesting the sludge, reducing harmful gases and toxins. This bioremediation process helps to restore the natural ecosystem without negatively impacting the environment.

    Genki Balls

    A community effort for a healthier Ala Wai canal

    The Genki Ala Wai Project, a non-profit initiative under the Hawai‘i Exemplary State Foundation, began its journey in 2006 after a storm diverted 48 million gallons of sewage into the canal. Officially launched on March 19, 2019, the project aims to restore the Ala Wai Canal’s ecosystem, making the canal fishable and swimmable by 2026 through the innovative use of bioremediation technology.

    Since its inception, the project has since made and tossed over 100,000 “Genki Balls” into the canal, demonstrating the power of community-driven environmental action.

    8th Annual OUTRIGGER Zone Day festivities

    In addition to the “Genki Ball” competition, guests enjoyed the sweet sounds of Hawaiian music from Hawai‘ian Music Live and engaging commentary from MC Bruddah Wade. The atmosphere was festive, with prize giveaways, free treats from the Kona Ice shave ice truck, and hydration from the Kokua Hawai‘i Plastic Free Water Refill Station. A collection of like-minded organizations shared educational activities on the lawn, inspiring attendees to take action to conserve our precious resources.

    Looking forward

    On July 27, the dried “Genki Balls” will be tossed into the Ala Wai Canal, where they will sink to the bottom and begin their crucial work of digesting the sludge to remove pollutants without altering the natural ecosystem.

    OUTRIGGER Zone Day

    Both OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel and OHANA Waikiki East by OUTRIGGER are committed to furthering OUTRIGGER’s partnership with the Genki Ala Wai Project with ongoing host community service events with the initiative and opportunities for guests to take part in creating a sustainable future for Waikiki.

    For more information on the Genki Ala Wai Project, visit https://www.genkialawai.org

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