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    듀크 말라마 크루의 해변 청소에 참여하세요!

    As the sun casts a warm morning glow over the pristine shores of Waikiki, there's a buzz of excitement: It's not just another oceanside morning in paradise. It's a call to action for better beaches with the Duke's Malama Crew Beach Cleanup. 

    The beginnings of giving back 

    Video courtesy Weekend Digital

    The Duke's Malama Beach Cleanup began in 2021 when Duke's Waikiki server Kalei Ellers wanted to give back – and get the whole community involved in environmental stewardship to protect one of the most iconic beaches in the world.

    "I started the Duke's Malama program because it's something I'm passionate about," Kalei shares.

    A little over 500 volunteers have taken part since then, and throughout the program, volunteers have pulled about 1,200 pounds of trash. They're now on their way to 2,000 pounds this year.

    Beach & (free!) breakfast 

    와이키키 비치(Waikiki Beach)

    Anyone can join this chance to clean up the local beaches and connect with a like-minded community. Here's the scoop on how to get involved:

    • Mark your calendar. Held twice a month, typically the first and third Saturdays of the month.
    • Sign up early. Spots are limited and you need to sign up to volunteer, so make sure to sign up in advance.
    • Starting spot. Cleanup begins on the beach side of Duke's Waikiki by the showers. Look for host Kalei in a teal Malama Crew shirt, who will provide you with supplies and directions.

    Then, celebrate your efforts with the crew over complimentary breakfast at the famous Duke's Waikiki. Come join us to be a part of something larger, make new friends, learn, surf and let the spirit of Aloha envelop you. Oh, and get a free Malama Crew T-shirt, too!

    "Anyone that wants to join is more than welcome to join us," says Kalei. "Come volunteer with us, get free breakfast, learn a little bit about trash, and come spend your morning volunteering here in Waikiki!"

    Post-cleanup hang ten

    Surfers in Waikiki

    The adventure in Waikiki doesn't have to end with the beach cleanup. While you're here, head off the sand and into the water for some surfer vibes and ride the Waikiki waves with the Faith Surf School right in front of Duke's Waikiki at the OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beach Resort. Known for their personalized surf lessons, you can also "surf" the waves in an Outrigger canoe or grab a paddleboard for a relaxing glide across the waters. It's a beautiful way to connect with the ocean and continue the day's theme of engaging with nature.

    Exterior of the OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beach Resort

    Come make the beaches better, and stay for more fun with a stay at the right-on-the-sand OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beach Resort!

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