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    Coral Reef Cocktail - Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    코랄 리프 칵테일 레시피

    For the last seven years, OUTRIGGER Resorts & Hotels has set out to save the coral reefs and create a tidal wave of global change as part of our OZONE conservation initiative.

    With pollution and mass bleaching impacting the world’s oceans and putting coral at risk, OUTRIGGER’s ZONE (OZONE) is put into action each day by educating guests and hosts with hands-on activities, promoting green initiatives and organizing volunteer local projects, all of which support coral conservation and protect the well-being of ocean environments surrounding the brand’s iconic beachfront destinations - from Mauritius to Fiji and Hawaii.

    And for just one month - World Oceans Month, to be exact – we're bringing back our popular Coral Cocktail promotion to raise awareness for healthy oceans. Our Coral Reef cocktails taste amazing, but better yet, a portion of proceeds from cocktail sales will go directly to our friends at Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii.

    Want to do your part? Stop by Kani Ka Pila Grille at OUTRIGGER Reef or Hawaiian Aroma Caffe in the Waikiki Beachcomber to sip a Coral Reef cocktail for yourself.

    We'll thank you.

    Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii will thank you.

    And the ocean will thank you.

    We realize it's simply one small step to coastal stewardship, but it's a fun one. Stay tuned for more information about some of our larger OZONE initiatives, including sweepstakes, beach clean ups and more.

    And, three cheers for cocktails that do good!

    Thirsty for more? Click here to learn more.

    Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort - OZONE - Coral Cocktail Recipe


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