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    여행 요약
    The Outrigger Promise - Love Your Hawaii Vacation 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    A Promise You'll Love Your Stay—or It's on Us

    As the calendar flips and the days get longer, we start to daydream even more about sun, warmth, and planning an escape from those far-too-long winter days. And what better place to plan an escape than a year-round paradise where you can find your zen or explore new terrain. The perfect spot? Hawaii.

    Hello, Aloha

    This perfectly sunny locale and its beautiful islands are ready for adventure. Not only does Hawaii have some of the world's most breathtaking scenery and memorable beaches, but its varied landscapes offer something for everyone. And this is a place where aloha comes at every turn—with a recent study showing that "94% of recent visitors to Hawaii said their trip either met or exceeded their expectations."

    A Promise of Fun (or Your Stay's on Us!)

    Even better? We're making sure you enjoy your stay, or get a complimentary next stay on us. 

    The new #OutriggerPromise makes sure that any guest who stays at our two top Oahu resorts—the iconic Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort on the sands fronting world-famous “canoes” surf spot and Waikiki Beachcomber, Hawaii’s only craft hotel—will love it. Book and stay at these Outrigger resorts before May and if you don't enjoy your stay, the resort will give you a credit for a future stay. And it's not just "satisfaction guaranteed" on a room—it's a promise that you will enjoy your entire vacation.

    Activities for All

    Right now, Hawaii is full of life, and restaurants—from Japanese-inspired to the world-famous Duke's Waikiki—are open for business.

    Beyond getting a taste of the islands, the range of surf (and beyond) activities make it the perfect destination: 
    Take a surf lesson from a pro
    Check out (live!) music at Hawaii's most iconic venue 
    Try a Bikini Blonde beer on a rooftop overlooking the Pacific 
    Get lei'd and take a hula lesson
    Hike a volcanic crater or jump through a waterfall 

    And of course, the beaches are open so there's always just hanging out surfside or diving into the water for a little crystal-waters R&R. No matter how active (or chill) you want your vacation to be, Oahu's got it covered.

    If you are ready to get back to traveling, you can do it safely—and with offers like the #OutriggerPromise, with peace of mind, too. 

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    최대 25% 할인 제공

    잊지 못할 추억. 진심을 담은 호스피텔리티.
    아웃리거 웨이

    처음 방문하시든 몇 번을 다시 방문하시든, 언제나 잊지 못할 추억과 최고의 서비스를 선사해 드립니다.

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