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    Surfers In Residence at Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort - Lyndie Irons 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    Surfers in Residence x Lyndie Irons

    Lyndie understands the surfing world as well as anyone. She’s the wife of the late Hawaiian legend of the waves, Andy Irons, as well as an accomplished surfer, a doting mother and a campaigner for mental health awareness.

    Growing up in Encinitas, a quintessential California seaside town north of San Diego, this down-to-earth SoCal girl was no stranger to beach life and the blissed-out vibe. Then just three weeks after a whirlwind encounter with the soon-to-be crowned three-time world champ Andy Irons in 2003, she moved to Hawaii and has remained ever since.

    “My soul is happiest in Hawaii,” Irons told Surfers in Residence host Tammy Moniz. 

    While sat beneath blue skies on the beachfront at Outrigger Waikiki, the two surfers discussed Hawaiian culture, family life and the legacy of Andy, whose untimely passing from mental illness in 2010 shook the surfing community around the world.

    “I live on Kauai, on the North Shore. I love it, it’s the best place to raise my son Axel [born a month after Andy’s death], who’s 10-years-old,” said Irons.

    “We surf everyday, we go on hikes, we just do everything outdoors,” she continued.

    When not experiencing the joys and healing powers of the ocean, Irons spends her days volunteering with the islands’ keiki (children) and keeping busy with projects that celebrate the legacy of Andy. In 2018 she collaborated with Teton Gravity Research for the acclaimed movie Andy Irons: Kissed by God. She found the inner strength to present an authentic account of her late husband's phenomenal surf talent alongside his battle with addiction and bipolar disorder.

    “His story has saved lives and is changing lives, on top of his amazing surfing,” said Irons.

    The movie's success was a catalyst for Irons to create the Andy Irons Foundation. Targeted at the surfer community, it works with outreach programs that address often undiscussed conditions such as addictions, learning disabilities and mental illness.

    After their chat, Irons surfed the breaks at Waikiki with Moniz and a group of surf-pal girls—and she’s always relished coming back. As for Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort? Naturally she adores the views toward iconic Diamond Head and the proximity to the swells of Waikiki Beach.

    Check out more on the Surfers in Residence program at Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort for more inspirational stories from Hawaiian surfers and to catch waves with the pros.

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