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    Maui Brewing Co Waikiki - Lei'd Lychee Cocktail recipe 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    리치를 넣은 레이디 리치 칵테일

    Oh, sunshine! We just hit the summer solstice, and the season is in full glory in Waikiki—from the best surf to the perfect three-day weekend to lounging poolside in the cutest eco-friendly bikini.

    To celebrate summer in tastefully decadent style, OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel's Maui Brewing Co. is featuring a very 'it’s-a-vibe' cocktail. The star of the show? Lychee.

    This gorgeous, ruby-red fruit gives way to soft translucent goodness inside, cherished for its naturally sweet flavor that's a mix of grape and a hint of rose. Like its fellow exotic tropical fruit friends, it's now found making an appearance in perfectly summery favorites like sorbets, smoothies and, of course, cocktails. 

    Hawaii is home to three of the world’s hundreds of lychee varieties and is touted for being among the sweetest due to the cool island combination of lots of heat and lots of rain. Lychee first came to The Aloha State via Honolulu by way of China in the late 19th century. Increasingly rare, this little flavor powerhouse makes not only for great cocktails but also for eating right off the tree (a favorite on the islands!).

    The season for this decadent little gem runs May through September—making it an unofficial symbol of the spirit and carefree beauty of summer. To get the sweetest, juiciest fruits look for them when they’re ripe, usually signified by a rosy-ish color with the prickly exterior smoothed out a bit. 

    Toast the sunshine and waves with our fave seasonal recipe, the martini-style Lei’d Lychee at the island’s iconic Maui Brewing Co.:

    Lei'd Lychee cocktail recipe card

    For a non-alcoholic version at home, try it blended smoothie style with full-fat coconut milk and ice for a coconutty-meets-floral colada treat that’s frothy and fun—and perfect for an afternoon on the sand.

    As for the perfectly spiked version, try the Lei’d Lychee with one of Maui Brewing's scratch-kitchen specialties (the Harvester locally grown kale and caramelized onion pizza would make the perfect pairing). And then stay over for an ultra-chic stay at Hawaii’s only craft hotel. Happy summering!


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