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    hawaiian painting brewery 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    Top 5 Places to Find Inspiration on the Big Island of Hawaii

    For Margo Ray, it's nothing but a regular day to be surrounded by what most would consider some far-off, countryside tropical paradise. Ray, a celebrated print, collage and installation artist, has found her home on the Big Island of Hawaii, and while her art has an obvious connectivity to her local environment, it is embraced across borders.


    Because of her unique vision and admired creativity, we turned to Ray to give us the inside scoop on which places at home on the Orchid Isle can bring out the most of your spark. Without further ado...



    A Local's Top 5 Places to Find Inspiration on the Big Island of Hawaii


    1. Waipio Valley - "Besides being one of the most beautiful places on the planet, I can bring my dogs and there's no cell phone reception!" 
    2. Waialea Beach - "The bare kiawe trees and rope swings are a natural playground for my kids to play"
    3. Volcano Town - "Hiking in the park and the Sunday morning farmer's market"
    4. Kiholo Bay - "My favorite place to camp for the weekend; the fresh water ponds are the best"
    5. Downtown Hilo - "I love the the patina of decay on the buildings, the Palace Theatre and the eclectic mix of people" 



    Explore Original Art at the Waikiki Beachcomber


    Margo Ray's electric and locally-rooted style made her a perfect collaborative partner for one of Waikiki's newest hotspots, the Waikiki Beachcomber. One of Ray's masterpieces spreads itself into a 64-foot mural, spotlighting one of Hawaii's most beloved hula dancers, Beverly Noa. Her colorful work brings spirit to the Waikiki Beachcomber's anchor restaurant, Maui Brewing Co.


    Explore the islands with an insider's perspective during a stay at the Waikiki Beachcomber by Outrigger!



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