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    Waikiki Pool Party 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    A 70th Anniversary Soiree

    We recently wrapped up our year of 70th anniversary celebrations with the only way we know how: a platinum-style pool party in Waikiki! Scroll down for some of our favorite shots from the night - from canoes in the pool, jam sessions with Makana and Henry Kapono, ono food and more.

    We also want to share one more big mahalo to all of our guests and hosts during these seven decades. 

    If you ask us, 70 never looked so good.

    Outrigger Hotels & Resorts - Canoe

    Outrigger 70th Anniversary Pool Party in Waikiki

     Outrigger 70th Anniversary Pool Party in Waikiki

    Outrigger 70th Anniversary Pool Party in Waikiki

    Outrigger 70th Anniversary Pool Party in Waikiki

    Outrigger 70th Anniversary Pool Party in Waikiki
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