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    날짜 선택
    여행 요약
    Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort - 50th anniversary 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    A Golden Anniversary in Waikiki

    Duke's on Sunday is a Waikiki institution well-loved by locals and tourists alike.

    While the weekly event is always a lively line-up, we celebrated an extra memorable edition of this Sunday favorite in honor of Outrigger Waikiki Beach Resort's 50th anniversary. We figured this was our time to celebrate the things that the resort has valued for the past 50 years: local music, our connection to the ocean, and the people who love this place we call home.

    Needless to say, there were Mai Tais and dancing galore, along with special guests on stage and in the audience. Big mahalo to all who joined us for this special event - and to all who've joined us for a Duke's on Sunday, any week. Here's a peek at some of those special guests doing what they do best: having fun!

    Happy 50th, Outrigger Waikiki!


    mermaidlove808  mermaidlove808

    yireh  yireh

    vincelimphoto  Screenshot_20170724-145601

    Screenshot_20170724-143611   Screenshot_20170724-143658

    nova  Screenshot_20170724-144548






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