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    Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort - plastic ban 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    플라스틱이없는 구역에 진입하려고합니다

    With World Ocean’s Day just around the corner, consider this:


    Every year, human beings toss over 6 million tons of waste into the world’s oceans, killing more than a million seabirds and 100,000 mammals. 80% of that trash is plastic, much of which comes in the form of plastic bags.

    It’s estimated that over a trillion plastic bags are used annually and millions clutter the ocean after being carelessly discarded.


    Outrigger’s global conservation effort - OZONE, or Outrigger Zone, helps address this issue. Each of our resorts takes part in contributing to OZONE in different ways. 


    At Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort, the sea is our lifeblood, providing us with endless beauty, nutritious food, and a considerable percentage of the oxygen we breathe. We accept our responsibility as stewards of the environment and, to that end, we have completely banned the use of plastic bags as a step toward restoring and maintaining the ocean’s health and well-being.


    We hope that our ban helps counteract the harmful effects of plastic bags, which take a minimum of twenty years to degrade, and are easily ingested by a variety of marine animals.


    Our staff have embraced the No Plastic Bag Ban and so have our guests; the initiative costs little or nothing to implement, so they’re happy to carry it with them when they return home. Needless to say, we’re thrilled that our efforts to preserve our little corner of paradise are having an impact far beyond the horizon. 


    This World Ocean’s Day, we encourage you do to the same.


    Learn more about OZONE or book your stay at Outrigger Fiji Beach Resort.

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