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    Buddha statues in Thailand - Outrigger Hotels & Resorts 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    깨달음의 예술

    “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” This quote is perhaps the most widely known from Buddha—even by those only vaguely acquainted with the sixth largest religion of the world consisting of approximately 376 million practitioners.

    In Thailand, Buddha statues can be seen sitting or standing, smiling or laughing, and with his hands in a number of different gestures called mudras. Each posture and gesture symbolizes and relates to different qualities embodied by the Buddha, including grace, balance, compassion, wisdom, determination and courage. 

    No trip to Thailand is complete without visiting these ancient sculptures. And until you're able to visit - or perhaps return - to Thailand, here’s a roundup of our favorite, and most contemplative, Buddha quotes. We hope this inspires your vacation planning and spiritual splendor.

    You cannot travel the path of enlightenment until you become the path itself.
    In separateness lies the world’s greatest misery; in compassion lies the world’s true strength.
    If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.
    Learn from the water: loud splashes the brook but the ocean depths are calm.
    There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.
    Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness is never decreased by being shared.
    One moment can change a day, one day can change a life and one life can change the world. 

    Explore Thailand here!

    Reprinted from the Outrigger Journey 2016-2017 in-room book.


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