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    flying dodo brewery in mauritius - outrigger mauritius beach resort 모든 이야기로 돌아가기

    Spotlight on the Flying Dodo Brewing Company

    Here’s a little insider tip when you visit the Republic of Mauritius: make sure to enjoy the local beer!

    At Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort, we take this recommendation seriously. We firmly believe that the only thing better than a cold beer is a enjoying one in a beautiful location. And we’re proud to serve our guests a variety of brews from Flying Dodo Brewing Company, the one and only craft brewery in Mauritius.

    If you’re a true craft beer lover, make sure to try Flying Dodo’s Experiment’ale IPA. This is a special brew which is made every month using different hops and a variety of drying methods. The result is a flavorful, unique, and limited-available monthly brew. Once the last batch is gone, it’s gone. Take our word for it: it doesn’t stay around for long!

    And now, thanks to our brand new partnership with the Global Hotel Alliance, Outrigger DISCOVERY Platinum members can share beer pairing dinner for two at The Plantation Club. This modern Mauritian menu pairs, for example, Czech-style Pilsner with Bitter Gourd Salad; Old-Style Belgian Wit Dodo with Smoked Butter Poached Red Drum Fish; and the Nation’ale Dodo with Braised Oxtail and Marinated Beef. And last but not least, the heavier (6.3%) Robust Porter Dodo is rumored to pair extremely well with a homemade Chocolate Tart.

    Not a DISCOVERY member? Click here to see what all the fuss is about! 

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