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    우리의 접근 방법

    OUTRIGGER Hospitality Group은 수십 개의 리조트 호텔, 베케이션 오너십 리조트 및 콘도미니엄을 계획, 건설, 관리 및 마케팅함으로써 성공적인 접근 방식을 개발하고 지속적으로 발전시켜 왔습니다.

    For each project, OUTRIGGER creates substantial results through its philosophy for:

    • Hospitality Services
    • Property Design
    • Owner-Operator Approach

    OUTRIGGER incorporates cultural values from each destination into the very fabric of its hospitality services.

    Unforgettable Hospitality

    OUTRIGGER incorporates cultural values from each destination into the very fabric of its hospitality services. Wherever we operate, OUTRIGGER guest services employees share the local customs to the delight of our guests. A sense of discovery is the foundation of travel; people leave home to experience something new, to open their eyes to the world and share time with loved ones. Respect and celebration of local ways serve as the foundation of a hospitality experience guests will always remember.

    Distinctive and Diverse Properties

    OUTRIGGER creates distinctively designed properties that express a sense of place, reflecting the unique environment and culture of an area. OUTRIGGER's diverse portfolio delivers guest experiences that offer the very essence of a destination.

    We create based on strategy and knowledge, rather than formula. One of OUTRIGGER's key strengths is its aptitude for conceiving and executing unique, market appropriate properties for each new development.

    Owners and Operators

    OUTRIGGER brings sound judgment and an emphasis on profitable performance. This owner-operator approach enables OUTRIGGER to manage hotels with extreme efficiency, with an eye to the bottom line. OUTRIGGER also brings this approach on board when managing other hotel brands, improving their performance and competitive position.


    The OUTRIGGER Difference     우리의 약속      우리의 포트폴리오


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